2.7 Healthy School/Home Environment
Outdoor Classroom Day
April 2021

In the spirit of Earth Day and in an effort to be outside among nature where it is safer during the pandemic, our Green Team ambassadors came up with Outdoor Classroom Day. They worked together as a group to decide what this might look like during distance learning, and to come up with ideas that would be manageable with masks and social distancing. The students put together this informative flyer and communicated with our administration to get permission to put this event on the calendar. What a great idea!
January 2021
At Home Reminder Signs
Whether in the school building or at home doing distance learning, our students know the importance of water conservation. During the pandemic it became even more essential to wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Remembering signs that were placed in school lavatories, students thought signs might be effective in the home as well. An extension to this was that the Green Team Ambassadors challenged other students at home to create their own reminder signs for their family members.

A second grader takes the challenge and creates a reminder sign for her home shaped like a drop of water.
FRES Newsletter
Part of the students' goal this year was to inform our community of environmental information and news. They chose to use the FRES Forerunner as an electronic way to publish their research and their projects as Green Team members. 2020 - 2021